God's Still in America...in 2020

We will never surrender the fight to be free,
and the right to believe,
and we’ll never give up on love…
God’s Still in America.

When I wrote this song with Richie McDonald and Craig Headen in the years following 9/11 and hurricane Katrina devastation, I had no idea how the lyrics would take on more layers of new meaning. Today as we remember those lost on this day in 2001, we stand in a landscape wounded by more tragedy, loss and division than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. It is deep and it is wide….but so is God’s love for us. Now more than ever, we need to be praying for His healing on our land, its people, and the future of generations to come. God has not abandoned us, He is still here. He longs for our hearts to turn to Him, to seek HIS will and HIS way.

America, God is still with us!

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” - Romans 8:31


The Father's Blessing


New GAMG Song Release!